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The most liquid exchange on PulseChain PulseX is PulseChain's exchange

The most liquid exchange on PulseChain PulseX is PulseChain's exchange PulseX enables you to exchange tokens ("PRC20s") on PulseChain for one another. For example you could swap PulseChain's native token PLS for PulseX's token PLSX. It works like Uniswap on Ethereum. Bridges also let people trade currencies from other chains on PulseX. The world's largest yield farm Every time people swap from one coin to another on PulseX liquidity providers earn fees as a reward. Users can bridge in their ERC20s and pair them with free PRC20s in order to provide liquidity and earn fees. This also backs the value of the PRC20s that they got for free. The second PulseX incentive token In order to enhance PulseX's success another token will exist to further incentivize liquidity providers beyond the fees they're already making. When they become liquidity providers, they will receive LP tokens that they can deposit into a yield farm. This not yet named token is emitted with decreasing inflation over time. A DAO chooses which trading pairs receive this incentive and at what rates. Only addresses with PLSX balances get to vote in the DAO. PulseX's Goal PulseX is a Uniswap fork with PLSX Liquidity Provider incentivization. Its goal is to provide PulseChain users with the best possible trading experience & yield farm with a strong focus on incentivising ERC20 holders to bridge in and back the value of their free PRC20s. PLSX is designed to increase in value The best asset class in history Cryptocurrencies have outperformed every other asset class over the last 10 years. There's a reason for that: they remove counterparty risk and middlemen, allow for privacy, have better uptime than your bank and credit card network. Cryptocurrencies allow for a better way to login to things, they can work as cryptographic username & password pairs, independent of platforms. High yields You can provide the PLS or PRC20s that you hold as liquidity to PulseX and earn yield on them. This is less risky than trading and allows you to earn predictable income on your crypto. Cryptocurrencies have the highest yields in the world, far exceeding those of other asset classes. The most transparent trading in the world Not only can you see on-chain what addresses trade which assets, you can also see transparently which addresses sold, bought and how much money it has left to buy more. Efficiency With Bitcoin you need from minutes to hours until a transaction confirms and transacting costs you multiple USD in fees, transacting on PulseChain costs less than $0.01 and confirmations happen in about 3 seconds. PulseX utilizes this network to allow for fast & cheap swaps between PLS and PRC20s. PLSX only becomes more rare PulseX has lower fees than most competing exchanges. The fee to users is lower than on most competing exchanges. Most tokens inflate at high rates while PLSX never inflates. The supply only becomes more rare as 21% of all fees could be used to buy up the price and burn the freshly bought PLSX.

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